Do you know who your biggest brand advocates are? You and your employees are. This is why your internal communications strategy needs to be as dialed in as your external-facing strategy. If your internal team can’t clearly communicate your value proposition and believe in it, it is going to add bumps in the road for your customers.
When we think about a communications plan for our companies, we’re often thinking about external-facing channels such as social media, paid advertising, etc., to reach growth goals. While this is critical for any company looking to expand its customer base and drive sales, turning inward is equally important to engage employees and nurture company culture.
What Is Internal Communication?
Fostering an engaged employee culture is key to both employee and customer success.
Internal communication is the nerve center of your organization. This is why it is important to have a plan where employees are consistently kept up-to-date with the latest company goals and the progress being made.
This is essentially a roadmap to keep employees and stakeholders engaged and inspired to work collectively towards the company objectives.
Beat Practices for Executing Internal Communications
When it comes to thinking holistically about any communications plan, it is important to:
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No matter if you are creating an internal or external communications plan, it all starts with your core values. The more your team embodies these values, the more your customers will feel that and be attracted to your organization. This also goes for recruiting new team members.
Taking a holistic view of your internal and external communications creates a roadmap for trust and fosters employee engagement that can be felt outside the company.
Looking to improve your internal communications strategy? Book a consulting session.