About Us

SWAAY is a member-generated content and self-publishing platform where women own the conversation. We believe the knowledge women gain through their personal and professional journeys deserve the space and respect that traditional media has never really given them.
These stories are so much more than just times past. They're an inspiration, a lifeline, the light at the end of the tunnel for other burgeoning entrepreneurs going through the very same struggles themselves. In short, they're thought leadership—an increasingly critical aspect of personal branding centered around making a name for oneself while uplifting, educating, and inspiring others.
The content on our platform is for women, by women, and aimed at elevating women's voices everywhere.
SWAAY not only provides an unmatched platform to write, publish, and read self-published innovative content, we also help explore what thought leadership means for each and every one of our members on an individual level. We are a strategic and promotional SWAT team, providing our members with the tools they need to build their thought leadership while helping them develop editorial and content creation skills that they can leverage for the rest of their lives. Our platform's success is their success, driving readership, knowledge-sharing, and community engagement across the board.
Our platform’s goal is to uplift diverse voices in an ever-growing digital landscape. It’s getting hard and harder to stand out, but we know your story is worth telling. That’s why we want to put the power back where it belongs, in your hands. We are empowering women to tell their own stories, form meaningful connections, and build their thought leadership; we are SWAAYing the narrative.
**Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. Content submitted and published by our community members doesn't represent our editorial opinions and isn't endorsed by SWAAY.
** Views and opinions expressed on content written and published by SWAAY Voices and Brand Voices are theirs and theirs only.