I have seen so many blogs, tweets, Instagram posts, and even memes that have extolled the opportunities we have now that we have no choice but to stay in. I've even written my own. It is enticing to think that a global pandemic might actually give us the chance to achieve our dreams!
Unfortunately, this attitude fails to take into account the circumstances of our isolation. This is not a period of quiet we have chosen to write a novel or start painting. It is a terrifying situation, fraught with uncertainty about our very existence. Chances are you feel less motivated than ever to get anything done. It is important to know that this is perfectly okay.
Personally, I still intend to pursue a few of my "when I have the time" dreams. However, I'm trying not to be hard on myself. Self-care has become a crucial part of every single day. Self-care means something different for everyone. For me, it means yoga, warm baths, and wine. Lots and lots of wine.
The good news is that I've come across the ideal way to turn this self-care habit into something more productive. Online wine clubs are a relatively new phenomenon. With a monthly subscription, you get wines delivered to you to try. You get to use the opportunity to cultivate your palate, so that you're actually in the process of becoming a connoisseur rather than just drinking in isolation.
These delivery services are perfect, considering it is not ideal to leave the house to stock up. Furthermore, by choosing the best affordable wine clubs you can save money. You don't have to be rich to know the difference between varieties of wine.
You can choose wine clubs that provide specific types of wine. Being an avid wine drinker and aspiring connoisseur, I thought I'd share some tips on how you can choose between red, white, and rosé wine clubs.
Red Wine Clubs
Not long ago, if you had asked me what my favorite wine was, I would have simply answered red! I would not have been able to distinguish between a Cabernet-Sauvignon and a Merlot. Yes, I now understand that they are vastly different, but at that point it all seemed like the same thing.
If you join a red wine club, you will begin to understand the difference between varieties of wines, as well as characteristics of different Cabernets, Merlots, Pinot Noirs, and so on. You will start to understand the importance of tannins and whether or not they're a good thing (spoiler: they can be good or bad!).
White Wine Clubs
We all know the basic characteristics that differentiate white wine from red wine. They tend to be dryer, best served chilled, and paired with fish. You can get sweet dessert wines and bitter white wines best enjoyed on their own. Of course, the characteristics go far beyond these simplistic descriptions.
When you join a white wine club, you will begin to learn about Sauvignon Blancs, Pinot Grigios, Rieslings, and more. If you struggle to enjoy dry white wines, you will start to acquire a taste for them, appreciating them in their own right and opting for them at the right moments. You will understand why Chardonnay is sometimes looked down upon and why it can be a very cultivated choice.
Rosé Wine Clubs
Do you know what a rosé is? Chances are, your understanding is limited to the fact that it is a pinkish color, has a light taste, and is looked down upon by men suffering from fragile masculinity.
The reality is that rosé wine is a delightful variety in its own right. Yes, it is sometimes easier drinking, but that does not detract from its subtleties and delicious taste. Rosé wine is made by soaking the skins of the red grapes in the liquid for a short period of time, infusing it with that light color and taste.
There are as wide a variety of rosé wines as anything else, as all red grapes can be made into a rosé. You're not missing out on any of the cultivation and subtle experience by choosing a rosé wine club. On the contrary, you are likely choosing something you know you'll enjoy, before learning to appreciate it even more.
Affordable wine in isolation
We do not know when we will be able to move on from social distancing. For now, we have to wait and hope. The good news is that it is easy to get wines delivered to your door at an affordable price, giving you the opportunity to cultivate your taste and experience a wide variety of grapes.


Clara Rose