The cold reality is that relationship mistakes can end a relationship. When that occurs, part of the healing process is to reclaim your space. Decreasing your exposure to the memories of your ex in your home allows you to heal better, according to Amy Chan of Renew Breakup Bootcamp. So in order to fully reclaim your space, what can you do?

Home Renovation
If you’re looking to make your space look and feel new again, a home renovation may just be what you need. A home renovation has multiple benefits, it can make a home more comfortable and functional, and it can improve the feel of the space, according to Zophra.  Experts at Mangum Builders recommend simple yet effective home renovations, like adding a tile backsplash to your kitchen or repairing a broken door or window. On a psychological and emotional level, a home renovation gives you a chance to do away with the old and embrace the new.

Handpicked Wall Art
Thinking that a home renovation might be too much? You can give your space a much-needed lift simply by hanging wall art you’ve picked out. Adding something new — particularly something artistic — to your home can completely lift your mood, according to Chloe Tejada. You can use wall art to represent your future desires or the vulnerability you feel after the breakup. Seeing art you’ve picked out hang on your wall goes a long way to truly stamping your mark on your home.

A New Bed Or Bedding
Your bedroom is your absolute safe space. If your bed was a big feature in your past relationship, you just may consider getting a new one or at least investing in new bedding for it. Getting a new bed or bedding is a clear declaration of a clean slate, according to Grace Beuley Hunt. Not only can you try out new bedding styles or a different mattress, but you create a clearer path toward healing. It’s an excellent way to make your bedroom and your bed completely personal and renewed.

A breakup is never a pleasant experience. It is, however, an excellent opportunity for you to transform your home into something you can once again call your own. Reclaiming your space may be challenging, but it’s a good way to explore new things about yourself and your preferences. You just may end up pleasantly surprised at what you discover on your journey to heal your heart and breathe new life into your home.


Clara Rose