Maintaining the right kind of work-life balance, especially when you run your own businesses (but not limited to this, of course), can be hard. Whether working from home or at an office, if you are trying to combine a good work ethic with the ability to spend time with friends and family and enjoy your hobbies, you might find that you are running out of time, or that even if you do get to do everything you want to, you feel guilty because you think you should be doing something else.
When the lines between work and your personal life are blurred, things can get even more difficult, and working from home certainly doesn't help with this, even if it does mean you are technically around more.
If you're having trouble maintaining a healthy work-life balance, then here are some useful tips that might help you get control of walking that fine line.
Stick to Your Work Hours
One of the biggest problems when it comes to trying to have a good work-life balance is when you don't stick to your specific working hours. This is a problem if you work in an office, but if you work at home, it can be even more problematic. There is always going to be the temptation to sneak back onto the computer to check emails or write one last report, even when you're meant to be relaxing or spending time with your kids.
You need to work out what your working hours are and then make sure you really do stick to them. Switch your phone off, don't look at your emails, and spend some time relaxing and enjoying your life – you might want to watch a movie, go out for food, try out painting, take on a, or play a musical instrument. You have blocked out time to do this, so make sure that's what you do. Extra work is only going to make you frustrated and tired and is not a good idea.
Prioritize Your Time
When you look at your to-do list, and it is full of fifty items that all seem just as important as the next, things can feel rather overwhelming. You might feel as though you're going to have to work long hours, or, if the tasks are to do with your home life, you might think you need to take some time off work to get through them.
Ideally, you will be able to prioritize those items, whether they are work-based or more personal, so that you can deal with the most important things first and then work your way down the list. There are four categories that everything you think you have to do should fall into. These are:
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Once you have categorized everything you need to, you will be able to determine exactly what order to do things in, and you should even be able to have a better work-life balance because of it.


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