Pets are the ultimate buddies. Especially now that we have been under house arrest for months, our fur babies are surely making it a little more tolerable. If you live alone, you know how good it feels to cuddle with your pet while lounging in front of the TV at night. No matter how bad of a day you're having, you can always count on the sweet purrs of your cat to turn your mood around. If you are a new fur parent, below, you will find everything there is to know about your pet. Continue reading this ultimate-cat edition fur mom guide.

Give Them Their Own Space

Like humans, cats like to have their own private space to feel safe and content. Even if your cat isn't going to be sleeping or hanging out in the place you prepare, knowing that it is there will give your cat comfort.

Feed Your Cat Good Food

Please, don't make it a habit to feed your cat whatever you're eating. Cats require special nutrition and need specific food to grow healthy and strong. To make your life easier from the beginning, consult with a vet to understand if your cat has any health conditions that might affect its recommended diet. If your cat has a sensitive stomach, Carmen Scott from The Cat Mom writes that you should avoid giving it fatty food entirely as it further increases stomach inflammation. Otherwise, if your cat is healthy, try to give it a balanced diet of wet and dry foods. Wet foods like canned turkey and fish are easy to digest and have enough water content for hydration, while dry foods are easy and keep their digestive system healthy.

You Need a Litter Box

Unlike dogs, cats are pretty independent when it comes to taking care of their business. All you have to do is to prepare a spacious litter box with good quality litter like clay or pine pellets, and your cat should be happy. Make sure you keep the litter box clean and odor-free; otherwise, some cats will refuse to use it. It might take your cat a little time before it gets used to the litter box. However, if it takes too long, then perhaps try changing the location of the box or the type of litter you are using.

Cats Love to Play

There is a common misconception that cats prefer to lounge around all day and don't know how to have fun. It is not true if you get some toys for your cat, or even a simple yarn ball, you will see its playful side for yourself. Make the time to play with your cat every day to earn its trust and strengthen your bond.

Brush Your Cat

Brushing keeps your cat's hair clean and tangle-free - most cats like being brushed. However, you should make sure that you are using the right brush and technique. If your cat has long hair, you will need to brush it two or three times a week, otherwise once a week should be fine. If your cat slips out from under your hands while brushing, don't force it and try some other time again.

Get Your Cat Special Scratching Surfaces

No matter what you do, your cat will scratch any surface in sight. It is a natural behavior that it can't control. If you want to protect your furniture and keep it scratch-free, get your cat special scratchy mats and balls that you can find at the pet store.

Once a Year Bath is Enough for Your Cat

Cats can take care of their hygiene without any help from you. Unless they get dirty or smell bad for some reason, you only need to bathe them once or twice a year. When you do, make sure you use special cat shampoo, then towel dry, and lastly, give it a good brush to look fresh and clean.

Cats Love to Have Access to Nature

Filling your house with plants and drawing the curtains open in the morning will soothe your cat and will help make it feel relaxed. If you want, you can check with the vet if your cat needs any vaccinations so you can take it for outdoor walks.

Always Have Treats

Reward your cat for good behavior with delicious treats to encourage it to keep up this behavior. You can find cat treats at any vet store, while you're there, see if you can find special cat grass, some cats like to nibble on greens like catnip. However, cats react differently to catnip, so make sure it doesn't make your cat go crazy before you decide to grow it at home.

Cats are usually low-maintenance pets; it doesn't take much to care for them. However, they do have their quirky behaviors that can test your patience in the beginning. Take the time to get to know your cat's traits so you can keep it happy and healthy. With the help of this guide, you will easily navigate your new life as a fur parent.


Daria Brown