Every business owner would like to maximize the profit made from selling their products or services. That's why they look for more and more innovative solutions that allow for quick development and gaining significant amounts of money.
However, implementing various strategies is not always easy and smooth. Every meaningful change in a business plan carries a risk of failure and, consequently, loss of income or a part of it.
That doesn't mean that you, as a company manager, should completely refrain from making any progress and get stuck in an old-fashioned, ineffective business plan. It is only essential to know the reasons behind the possible problems and know how to deal with them.
One of the business strategies that is marked by a risk of failure is sales enablement. Although it is popular and successful, sales enablement can be potentially harmful to the business if it's not implemented correctly.
Responding to the concerns of many company managers, we reveal the possible reasons for failure in sales enablement and give some ideas on how to cope with them.

Lack of Planning

One of the top reasons why your business strategy doesn't seem to work is poor planning – or even a lack of it. Sales enablement requires a lot of discussions, brainstorming, and scheduling – they're a base for this strategy.
Another crucial aspect concerns documenting all the steps, actions, and profit. Without it, it will not be possible to maintain the sales enablement continuity because you won't be able to draw conclusions and learn from potential mistakes.
Errors are a natural part of every business strategy and provided that they're understood and overcome; they can be precious lessons for the future.
Luckily, many tools that help in planning are available now – you can use platforms like Jira, TeamWork, or Airtable, to focus on delegating chores and documenting your business plan. You may also get some additional tips on websites that are directly linked to the strategy, for instance, SalesHood.

Focusing on the Company, Not on the Customer

It's a natural and common mistake that every company focuses primarily on their inner issues, goals, and strategies. However, in sales enablement, it is essential to change the emphasis and put it on the potential customer.
Why? Only being fully customer-oriented can bring spectacular effects and maximize profit. Without recognizing and following the customers' needs, habits, and current trends, a company cannot adjust to them.
How to overcome this problem? Simply by changing the focus – try to reach out to your potential clients through direct contact or conducting various surveys, questionnaires, and quizzes. To read more about building a positive relationship with your clients, click here.

Unstable Relationships in the Team

It's no secret that stable, positive relationships in a team or a company are a base for effective cooperation and, therefore, successful sales. They're even more important in the case of sales enablement.
As this strategy values cooperation highly, it's impossible to make the most out of it without direct and honest contact with your co-workers.
If you have a problem with implementing sales enablement, scrutinize the relationships in your team. Are all the employees equally engaged in their work? Are all the tasks appropriately delegated and the employees well-adjusted to them?
When you answer all these questions, you will be able to see where the problem is, and solving it will be easier. If necessary, hire a coach or a psychologist, conduct some workshops, and help make the cooperation more straightforward and effective.
As a manager, you can also develop your qualifications in the field, for example, by taking various courses. Some of the ideas for them are available here.

Poor-quality Content

Well-planned, concise, and coherent content is one of the key factors influencing the popularity and image of a brand. A common misconception in sales concerns is not paying attention to the published content.
Sales managers tend to think that content is not a crucial aspect in their field, as it doesn't involve writing or design. They couldn't be more mistaken. Adequate, well-prepared content plays a significant role in the sales process.
Content is the first thing that a potential customer sees on a website, leaflet, or newsletter. Therefore, if it's not attractive, the potential buyer will simply refrain from making any purchase.
As simple as it is – if you want to maximize profit from sales enablement, simply invest in your content. You can find some ideas and tools, for example, on this website.


A lack of success in a planned strategy can be really frustrating. However, instead of refraining from it or – what's even worse – closing your business, it's better to think about the possible reasons for the failure and plan some actions to overcome the crisis.
Suppose you're struggling with unsuccessful sales enablement implementation. In that case, it's best to analyze its goals and examine whether your company goes along with them – if you pay enough attention to the customer, have well-prepared content, or take care of the company's relationships.
Then, it's time to work on any inconsistencies or obstacles as a team.


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