Political science is a study of nature and the consequences of decisions made by either groups or individuals in power. On the other hand, Macbeth is a political play highlighting the dangers of exercising excessive power and the problem of being over-ambitious. Although the play is centuries old, politics in Macbeth is a necessary combination to help upcoming leaders shape their countries' destiny.

Political science touches on the culture and history of a people and gives a correlation between the past, present, and future policies. This is the reason why students should study Macbeth to impact on the governance systems of people positively. Taking lessons from the most despotic regimes and how leaders evolve to become beasts that punish their subjects is vital in shaping political organizations.

Taming Political Ambitions

Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare and first performed in 1606. Many people consider the play a tragedy since the author dramatizes the negative effects of excessive political power and evil ambitions that were analyzed deeper at https://eduzaurus.com/free-essay-samples/macbeth/ and where you can find some great points regarding this play. One of the key lessons from the play is the negative impact of pursuing power without a purpose and you can read free essay samples to see what the negative impact it was. The play was written during the time of King James I, who was the patron of Shakespeare Company.

A brave Scottish leader by the name Macbeth receives prophecies that he would be the king of England. An evil ambition fueled by his wife consumes him, making him uncontrollable. Thus he goes on a killing frenzy and eliminates anything and anyone who poses any danger to his throne. Modern students learn the importance of overcoming temptation as Shakespeare warns of uncontrolled ambition. The play was written to scare off anyone who posed a threat to King James by implying such action was having an alliance with the devil.

Modern Society Tyrants

Colleges students need to study the lessons drawn from this story and check out the commentaries from various scholars who have read the play. During his time, Macbeth can be considered a villain, but modern readers can sympathize with him as a human. Getting excited about such a prestigious throne was a natural reaction that modern leaders should learn more about Macbeth. However, the danger of exercising oppressive power on your subjects to overcome your fears is a key lesson from the tail. It is dangerous for any leader to lose them in the possibility of achieving something better. Although Macbeth is an extracted character, he represents modern tyrants who will loot and use excessive force when dealing with political competitors.

Fear as a Tool of Authority

Since the play is a contrast between a severe tyrant and royalty, Macbeth is the evil king with Duncan representing royalty. Macbeth boasts of having a spy in every sphere of his administration. Since the tyrant is dominated by fear of losing his authority, he slowly slips from being unfair to ruling with an iron fist. Abuse of power is dominant, and people fear him as opposed to respecting his authority. As such, even the just and well-meaning advisors tend to keep to themselves. As a result, he slowly loses his friends and becomes a lonely king adding up to his anger. Modern politicians and studies need to study from these lessons as they are social beings despite having political power. Thus, it is important to live modestly to avoid isolation and consequently losing power.

Religion and Political Power

In a brilliant twist, Shakespeare finds a way of engaging religion in the play's tensed scenes by quoting the scripture and statues of the Presbyterian convictions regarding power. Besides, it refers to the tenets of Catholicism treasured by the masses hindered by the administration. The housewife moves protestants who shout "Aroint thee Witch," setting the stage for the rejection of witches. In a direct quotation of James 4:7, where the Bible urges the people to submit to God, he implores them to offer themselves to culture and keep their loyalty to the king. Those who study politics need to learn from the story on the importance of giving hope to the people.


Finally, we can comfortably say historical events have a way of repeating themselves in our modern society. Leaders should always keep a circle of advisors who will be impartial when giving advice. The importance of education refers to such important events in history, while learners write several informative essays on the lessons they draw from the events. Macbeth being a political tyrant of his days, shares the same reasoning with a good number of the current blend of leaders. Political science students need to draw life-changing lessons from such a play and make policies and decisions that positively impact society.


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