With the rising number of weight-related complications, cutting down excessive weight has become a rising concern. Luckily, a proper diet has proven to be an effective way to watch out your weight. The right food served in the right amount is the key to a long and healthy life. Malnutrition is when a person's diet does not contain enough nutrients. Some of the leading causes of poor nutrition include low income, poor dietary choices, and difficulties in obtaining nutritious food. Under-nutrition is a form of malnutrition where the body does not get sufficient food. Some of the signs of undernourishment include low weight, stunted growth, and wasting.

It is possible to be obese and malnutrition at the same time. Monitoring calories intake is an art that you have to master as part of your weight management program. What you eat affects your overall health. Nutritional deficiency is a common problem in the modern world.

Here are some of the signs of nutritional deficiency.

Weak Immune System

As with every system and organ in your body, the immune system relies on a balance of vitamins, proteins, and minerals to function optimally. Therefore, what you eat will affect your immune system either positively or negatively. The western diet that consists of refined sugars and processed, fatty foods do damage the immune system by making it hyper-responsive to the inflammation triggers. Poor nutrition choices lead to sleep deprivation, digestion problems, and stress, which eventually lead to weakened immunity.

One of the dietary factors that repress the immune system includes an insufficient intake of biologically valued proteins. According to this URL, the supplements required to boost your immune system include probiotics, minerals, and vitamins. Fruits and vegetables are right for you as they are rich in the vitamins and minerals that you need to keep your immunity healthy. It would be best if you also took proteins, especially dairy products and eggs, to keep your immunity strong.

Feeling Tired

If you feel fatigued all the time, you do not have sufficient nutrients, like iron. A limited supply of iron in your diet could lead to anemia, a condition where the body does not have enough red blood cells to supply nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body.

It is important to note that malnutrition is not the only cause of fatigue. Other conditions, such as thyroid and cardiovascular diseases, may lead to feeling tired all the time.

Dry Hair and Ridged Nails

Nutrients, such as folate, vitamin C, and iron, play an essential role in the growth of your hair. If these nutrients are not supplied to the body in the right amounts, you will notice a change in the hair quality. Your skin is also affected by poor nutrition, and it becomes pale and dry.

Like the hair and skin, your nails can get brittle and thin when the body is deprived of nutrients. When the body is low on iron, the nails might curve, especially the index and third finger. Nails may be rigged or detached from the nail bed. Besides iron deficiency, nail problems are caused by low levels of vitamin A, B6, C, and D.

If your hair remains dry all year round, the solution could be taking healthy fats such as avocado, salmon, and olive oil. Your skin and scalp will also benefit from good fats.

Slow Healing of Wounds

There is a distinct correlation between wound healing and nutrition. Poor nutrition affects the healing process by either delaying healing or impairs the wound's strength, making it susceptible to breaking down. Wound healing is the process of repairing and replacing broken tissues in the body. This process requires an increased intake of certain nutrients, such as proteins.

When you get injured, the body gets into a catabolic phase, which triggers the release of cortisone, the stress hormone, and changes its metabolism to supply the wounded area with the nutrients it requires to heal. If the body is not provided with the nutrients needed in time, it enters into a protein-energy malnutrition state (PEM). PEM causes the body to break down its proteins, which reduces the supply of amino acids and initiates wound healing. Besides, PEM causes a low Body Mass Index and a significant weight loss.

Some of the nutrients that help in quick healing of wounds include vitamin K, vitamin C, and protein. Vitamin C helps with tissue repair, while vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting.

Taking foods with little or no nutritional value, such as junk food, is a sign that you need help with your nutrition. It is essential to take food with rich nutritional value, including vegetables, fruits, whole grain, healthier oils, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy. If your diet does not contain the required nutrients, take supplements to ensure your body gets the needed nutrients.


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