Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It comes second after water in terms of the rank of most popular beverages. It is purported that tea was discovered in 2937 BC by a Chinese emperor who let some leaves into his cup of boiling water. Some examples of tea types include black tea, green tea, chai tea, and oolong tea. Many things have been said and are still being told about tea. Some of them are myths, while others are scientifically proven facts. Let's have a look;Myths Addition of milk to your tea will lessen its health value

It is a myth because dairy does not negate the health value but instead adds. Milk contains calcium, which plays a vital role in strengthening the bones. Therefore, adding milk to your tea is beneficial.Green tea is better than black tea

The above is another myth that has been planted into our minds, which makes us undermine the black tea. The truth is actually both have essential oxidants, and none can be esteemed to be higher than the other. White tea slows aging

White tea does not keep you young. Other tea varieties and white tea have almost the same levels of healthy enzymes and antioxidants. They will not keep you young but will help keep your skin looking healthy.Tea does not go bad

With time, tea loses its value depending on how you brew it and how it is stored. It is advisable to brew your drink in the required time as stated in the packaged and store it covered well so that the air does not escape.Teabags are the same as tea leaves when in use

Teabags contain the dust from tea leaves. It is not right to say they have the same quantity of oils and aroma that tea is supposed to have. Tea leaves are healthier and better than tea bagsFacts

If it is not from the Camellia Sinensis plant, it is not tea.

Tea has to come from this plant, and anything other than this is called Tisanes. Tisanes are a mixture of different spices and herbs, which are brewed the same way tea is brewed. You can buy tea varieties from top online tea and coffee shop brands such as Kent & Sussex Tea & Coffee Company. Tea is a moisture absorber

Tea naturally absorbs moisture from the atmosphere around it. To avoid this, store tea in sealed containers. Tea has approximately 1500 known varieties

There are around 1500 varieties of tea, but only a few are well known and commonly used; black tea, green tea, oolong tea, and white tea being the most popular.Black and green tea are made from the same plant

What makes them different is the amount of oxidation that occurs during the processing of each tea. For example, black tea is more oxidized than green tea.Buying tea online

Tea has a plethora of health benefits like boosting your immune system, acting as an antioxidant, and helping reduce cancer risks. Kent & Sussex Tea & Coffee Company is an online tea and coffee shop that sells quality chai tea processed from black tea leaves at affordable prices.


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