Everyone needs a little guidance in their lives sometimes. What the majority of society doesn't know is that we all do have an extra guide. Actually a few of them. Natalie Miles knows they're there though. As a physic and spiritual advisor, she has the ability to connect any of us with our spirit guides. Leaving a career in film production, Miles knows a lot more about our own spirit guides than we do.

Some might be asking, 'well, what is a spirit guide?' We had the same initial reaction. We asked our favorite spirit advisor a little more about her practice to get us all the understanding we need.

1.When did you discover you had the gift of connecting to and connecting others to spirit guides?

It's always such an honor to connect people to their Guides as they are the gateway to accessing our own intuition. I grew up psychic as a child and had my first interaction with my Spirit Guide at the age of 5. My main Guide appeared at the end of my bed one night to let me know she was here to guide and protect me. But it wasn't until my early 30s that my Guides pushed me to do this work full time. I received the message loud and clear that my soul purpose is to connect people to working with their Guides and their intuition. It was my job to make this work relevant and grounded in the world we live in. We're at a time where we're really looking for the connection with ourselves and the world around us.

2. How does the process work?
When I'm working one on one with a client or at a live event, before they arrive I always set the intention for their Guides to step forward to share messages and insight. I then work with the Guides so they can share all the wisdom, insights and knowledge to the client. I like to say it's like my Guides and their Guides having a chat and I'm just the door opener to make it happen. I then receive what they want to share by hearing them talk, seeing visuals and feeling their energy. Depending on the session, and if the Guide gives me permission, I also share what they look like and who they are.

We have many different Guides, but we all have one main Guide that is with us from when we are born until we die.

3. How do you find your spirit guide?

Anyone can connect to their Guides. It's all about being open, creating space and trust. The first step is to ask them to step forward. Our Spirit Guides need encouragement and need to know that we'd like to connect with them and discover who they are.

Most are very happy to work quietly in the background, only making themselves known to you when they feel you need it the most. But if you'd like them to give you more messages, signs and guidance you just need to ask. The best way to ask them is when you're relaxed and in a quiet space.

Take 5 minutes in meditation or just sitting somewhere quiet and say in your head or out loud, "Spirit Guide I would like to work with you more. Please step forward into the light to share with me messages and guidance." You will feel their energy and presence and for some, you may see them or begin to hear them.

4. What's everyday life like for you, are you constantly bombarded with spirits, interruptions etc?
Great question! So I've learned through the years the art of turning it off and turning it on. The spirits now know when I'm not working. It's like I have a “ Do Not disturb sign" in my energy field so they know not to bombard me.
But when I'm working with Spirit I'm always in wonder and awe of the messages and wisdom they provide. This work is all about healing and empowering others to truly connect to who they are.
5. How do you hone your gift, do you think anyone can, or a very specific type of person?
We are all intuitive. We are all born gifted. That's why children are highly intuitive and see the world with open eyes. It's as we get older that the blocks form around our intuition. Fear, worry and judgement about what others will think set in and we forget this universal gift.
We're in a time right now where intuition is becoming mainstream. It's exciting as it's not an awakening people are having but a reactivation of the gifts that we already have.
6. Do you have any anecdotes of note, something that was particularly interesting/moving?
When I connect people to their Guides it can be a very emotional experience. It's like meeting someone who's your best friend, who knows you better than anyone else and has infinite love for you. To witness, facilitate and be part of that journey is always so humbling. When you meet your Guide it's like accessing a love that you didn't know existed.
7. What does a spirit guide do?
I like to call them our cheerleader team in Spirit. They guide you, help you, send you signs, messages and healing. It's important for us to realize that we're not alone on our life journey.
8. What are the benefits to uncovering yours?
Our Guides are the gateway to our own intuition. They leave you feeling empowered, connected to who you are and what your soul purpose is. By working with them you will have greater confidence in your own internal guidance system and will trust your own intuition more.
9. For people who aren't psychic, do you have any advice for listening to your inner voice?
Our inner voice or intuitive guidance system is so important and we all have the gift to connect and listen. My main piece of advice is to create the space to listen. So often we're on the go, cramming our diaries full, or are overloading our brain with social media and screen time. We're setting ourselves up to fail rather than succeed and tune into our inner voice.
One simple ritual you can do is to create space to listen in the shower. In the morning have a shower and use the water to reset your energy by imagining the water creating a beautiful white light around your body. Next call in your Guides and ask, “What do I need to know today?" See where you mind goes and create the space to listen.
10. What's a philosophy you live by/motto?
“If it's not a HELL YES, it's a NO". I use this when making any decision. If it doesn't feel good or aligned in my body I'm not doing it. It's saved me from a lot of pain and wrong paths.
11. What are the different kinds of spirit guides?
We have many different Guides, but we all have one main Guide that is with us from when we are born until we die. They have lived many lifetimes here on earth and just like us have gifts, talents, personalities and passions. They like to use these talents to help us and connect with us.
The rest of our Spirit Guide team is made up of protection guides, healing guides & messenger guides. They come in at specific times in our life when we need their assistance.
12. How do you balance such an unusual career, do you find people don't you seriously/judge you?
People are always intrigued by the work I do. When I first started this as a career, I was worried people would think I was weird or strange. I previously was a Producer and had a 10-year career in film production. But now I don't worry what people will think. 99% of the time people have so many questions, they really want to know more. There will always be the 1% who will judge or don't believe and that's all good.


Amy Corcoran