Now is actually a very exciting time to be alive. Fear and uncertainty might be taking over our world but I really do believe that underneath it all, this is a time of transformation for our planet.

Sometimes, I think we may be so "in it" that we aren't aware of what really could be happening.

On one hand, I genuinely feel like there is more going on with the coronavirus than meets the eye. And, on the other hand, I am aware of how that sounds to others. In no way am I saying the virus is to be taken lightly. But I want to share my perspective, opinions, and interpretations based on research and apparent patterns. My intention is to direct awareness toward another perspective people may not have considered before. ⁣My intention is not to make people feel angry over some theory, but rather to add a layer of critical thinking that might interrupt a pattern and, in a way, wake people up to move past fear.⁣

For example, if a frog is put in boiling water it jumps right out. But if that same frog is put into lukewarm water and the temperature is turned up gradually, it will stay in and let itself be boiled. Sometimes, I think we may be so "in it" that we aren't aware of what really could be happening. Like that frog that doesn't know it's about to be boiled.

Now is a time of going within to question the reality that has been projected to us for so long.

Old systems are breaking down. This is happening at both an individual level and a collective level. Not just external systems, I'm talking also about our own individual belief systems that we thought would never change. Collectively, what this looks like is that a certain societal power-dynamic that's been in place for a very long time is beginning to fall apart.

Right now, there's a narrative that you may think is happening in the world, but I believe that behind the scenes there's a lot more going on. And, furthermore, people are starting to be aware of it — you can start doing your own research. We all have the ability to find these patterns and connect the dots.

There are things happening that aren't in the highest integrity, but the only way to combat that is to realize the purpose of it is for all of us to come together as one. By that, I mean that there may be some people with agendas who are trying to keep the mass population in an unaware state. When people are unaware, they're in fear and anger, which makes them much easier to control. They're much more likely to look to authority for instructions, and that's kind of the way it's been for a long time.

For example some doctors have recently said they were instructed that if somebody of a certain age dies, and that person was around somebody that was younger, they should automatically declare the exposed younger person as having the Coronavirus. Some of them refused, but not all. Furthermore, The National Post, a Canadian newspaper, recently reported that some doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff in some of the hardest-hit provinces in Canada — which is ranked 13th among the world's most infected countries — said they have yet to face that feared surge of coronavirus patients. "So far, at least, there is no flood and plenty of available ICU beds. In Ontario, almost 78% of the province's expanded ventilator capacity remains free." Something doesn't add up here.

As cliché as it sounds, to turn that fear into love and this separation into unity, we need to stop feeding the virus. It sort of is like there's this number of people that have gotten it and died from it. However, based on my own personal research, just to put that into perspective it's 0.000052% of the population.

I'm not downplaying what is happening at all, the virus is real and people are being affected, however, some things aren't adding up. So what I started doing was, I stopped watching so much of what was out there making me feel fearful which helped me relax a bit.

Understand that I'm still aware of what's going on, but I don't have to continually focus on it, because I don't want to continuously feel it. One of the best ways you can add value and help other people that are in the fear is to be aware of your own fear and then just let it dissipate. As people come to see your relaxed state of being, they will naturally follow your lead. Energy is contagious.

As cliché as it sounds, to turn that fear into love and this separation into unity, we need to stop feeding the virus.

On the scale of consciousness there is always fear towards the bottom and then anger above it. From there, we can move beyond that negativity into acceptance and empathy. 99% of what the mainstream media shares is completely negative, evoking some of the lowest vibrational emotions possible. And as a society, we are conditioned to believe and emotionally react to whatever they are sharing throughout the world. This results in so much extra fear, which, in turn, keeps us all in survival mode.

So am I saying to not be worried?

Yes. That is exactly what I am saying. Because worrying doesn't do anything except put you into survival mode, weakening your immune system and draining your mental health. Should you be aware? Sure. But that doesn't mean fear needs to be your dominant emotion. And it definitely doesn't mean that you have to watch the news nonstop.

You are powerful because your focus is shaping your world and the world around you. Where focus goes energy goes too, so sometimes the best thing to do is just observe. Yes, be aware. But you do not need to react; there's a huge difference. Awareness means you are processing the information internally, whereas a reaction is instinctive, abrupt, and often fear-based. And the former is much better for your immune system. So yes, wash your hands and be careful. But if you are obsessively washing your hands to the point of compulsion, you may be in such a stressed state that you're doing yourself more harm than good. Just wash them when you need to and relax a bit. ⁣During this time, your state of being is more important than you may realize.

Take care of yourself.

Awareness means you are processing the information internally, whereas a reaction is instinctive, abrupt, and often fear-based.

If watching the news is making you freak out then start to limit it. Know that you can choose what you give your focus.⁣ Take this time to go inwards. Reflect, ponder, loosen up a bit, build stronger bonds with your family, and do whatever will make you enjoy your life here and now.

⁣So relax — fear is a choice. You can choose to be afraid or you can choose to be aware.

The best thing you could do for the world right now is to be strong and trust this process, because just living your life in such a positive light will inspire others to do the same. When people see that from you, it might get them thinking:"Oh, you can do that? I was just so deep into the news that I didn't even know calm was an option." Take it from me who's been calm throughout this entire process.

Collectively, what this looks like is that a certain societal power-dynamic that's been in place for a very long time is beginning to fall apart.

It's of utmost importance to be in a high integrity mindset right now. I believe that situation has forced people to wake up and question things. It seems like a lot of them are trying to find their purpose right now. They may be quarantined inside their houses thinking, "I want to do some inner-work, I want to find out more about what I am meant to be doing." And that gives me hope for humanity flourishing in this moment of darkness as we begin to look towards the light in our future.

This article was originally published April 28, 2020.


Audrey Martinez